Friday, October 31, 2008

Thing #8

I am posting about the things out of order, because I already use Google Reader. I learned about RSS last year, from a coworker. At the time she was using Bloglines to keep up with all of her feeds. So, I set up a Bloglines account and entered into the world of blogs and other content pushers. A few months ago I switched over to Google Reader. I like Google Reader better, I find it easier to manage my subscriptions. I also enjoy the discover feature. Google analyzes the blogs you are already reading and suggests others that might be of interest. It is a great way to discover new blogs. I like being able to organize my feeds into different folders, so if I am short on time, I can just read the librarianship blogs or the crafty blogs or my friends blogs, etc. For work, I use Reader to keep track of all of SAPL's blogs. As soon as someone posts a new item, it shows up in my reader. No useless checking for new content.

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