Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lesson 3 Part 2 Challenge

While I use the Staff LibGuides fairly often, I don't find myself using the public guides as much. While exploring the Public LibGuides, I found several guides that would have been useful in some recent patron interactions.  We have a regular patron who appears to be homeless, he might benefit from the guide on Community Assistance.  Another patron was an avid Stephen King reader and was looking for a new author with a similar style.  The Author Readalikes guide has a section for Stephen King.  Yesterday, I assisted a patron in locating books on Texas History.  He might have enjoyed going through the Texas History LibGuide, as well.

I do use the staff LibGuides quite a big.  I find myself using the Circulation LibGuide when I can't remember how to do something Circulation related or want clarification on a certain procedure.  I also use the Marketing LibGuide when I am creating flyers for the branch.

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