Friday, November 14, 2008

Thing #13 - Social Bookmarking

I am seeing a trend in some of these Things. I tend to sign up for things and then completely forget about them. I did this with GoodReads and this exercise reminded me that I have a Delicious account. So today, I logged on and looked around. It has been about a year since I added any bookmarks to my account. I am glad they changed the web address for the site. I could never remember how to type it in, or del.ic.ious or, it was too confusing. I like that my bookmarks are accessible from any computer, but I can tell from my past lack of use that I will probably not use it much in the future. I tend to access only a limited number of sites on a daily basis. I can see the potential as a reference tool, it is similar to Rollyo, having a list of trusted sites would help patrons retrieve better information.

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