Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lesson 6 Part 1 Challenge

Social Networking

I am a passive social network user.  I have a Facebook account, but I am not an active poster.  I occasionally change my status and update my cover photo, but it doesn't happen very often.  I enjoy browsing my Facebook feed and seeing pictures of my friends and their families.  When I initially joined Facebook it was fun reconnecting with old friends from high school and college, but it did not cause me to actually reconnect with any of these people in person.  I also have a Twitter account, but I don't think I have ever sent a tweet.  I enjoy using Goodreads, but again, I am not a very active user. The same goes for Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Snapchat, I have accounts but I really don't use them very much.  I am more of a lurker.

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