Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lesson 11 Challenge

I had never heard of a Personal Learning Network until this lesson.  I do have several websites and resources that I often use for work, but I did not realize this constituted a PLN.

One website I enjoy visiting is, Early Word.  On this site, I find out about what books are popular in public libraries, what forthcoming titles are being released, what is the latest movie adaptation that may increase interest in the book, etc.  It is a fun and useful website.  The site also has weekly "GalleyChats" about upcoming book releases.

I also use the website, Stop You're Killing Me quite often.  This site is a must for Mystery lovers or for librarians that want to assist Mystery lovers.  Not only does the site list mystery series by author, they also have lists of Award winning mysteries, mysteries by main character or mysteries by the main character's occupation.

I also have a PLN is my non-work related online searching.  I am obsessed with knowing who was in a certain movie or television show, so I am constantly on The Internet Movie Database.  It is very important to realize that the potential murderess in the episode of Midsommer Murders that I am watching was also in that one episode of Doctor Who with the Daleks.

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