Monday, December 29, 2008

Thing #22 - Downloadable Media

For the purposes of this exercise, I explored Overdrive. I am a Mac user and own an iPod, so Overdrive is currently my better choice for downloadable audio books. I found the website easy to navigate. I had no trouble checking out and downloading a book at home. My main issue with Overdrive is that I was unable to figure out how to limit my search to titles available for the iPod. Instead, I would just have to browse through all the titles in a category, until I found one that would work with my player. Now that I have had a chance to test out the downloadable media that SAPL provides, I think I will really be encouraging our patrons to try it out.


Unknown said...

You can limit any search by format to "mp3" - that's the format that is ipod-compatible. You can do this at the top search bar for any search results, or using "Advanced Search" you could choose a subject (like Mystery or Romance), then choose mp3 format. That will give you some browsing capability too.

Jamie said...

Thanks! That makes sense. I saw that in the search options, but I guess I just wanted to see something that said iPod.

Unknown said...

mp3 is universally compatible, so saying iPod could give people the false impression it's only good on iPods. I guess the lesson we could take is that we should find a way to let people know that mp3s are playable on iPods.
